the wives were an all female band from NYC who played fast paced melodic punk/hardcore with harmonized vocals.....really nice enjoyable stuff, but not what usually comes to mind when i think about reservoir records (who released the lp version of this record)........anyways i remember them touring back in 95-96 and being interviewed by ink 19 before the florida leg of their tour.........i searched forever for their records until i finally was able to get this lp like 6 years later.........they seem(ed) to be on the more obscure forgotten wavelength of punk/hardcore, even in the 90s and played a very "dated" style of punk thats pretty much extinct in this day and age (unless im just not paying attention) anyways enjoy!
I think one of the girls in this band was Charles Bronson's daughter, if I'm not mistaken. I toured with a punk band from L.A. in 1998-1999, and we played a gig at CBGBs. The girls from The Wives came to the gig to hang out with us. They were super cool. I never even knew about this record. Thanks for posting.